Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Is Eating Keto Still Economical?


My first inkling was to consider not eating Keto anymore, however after tinkering with different food options I abandoned that idea and went back.  Why?  Simply because I feel better and my body does better.  For me, carbs are not my friend so it was really important to me to find ways to continue with my Keto lifestyle without breaking the bank as the price of meat and eggs seem to have skyrocketed.


To begin with, on any given day I typically eat just two meals per day.  My first meal is around noon or 1:00 and then supper once I'm hungry again.  I always begin my morning with a hot cup of black coffee and then a second one about an hour later.  By 10:00 in the morning I'm ready to break my fast and will make a large Keto coffee and that keeps my quite happy and satisfied until my first meal.


Roasted veggies

I only eat meat during one meal, usually lunch and then will make a vegetable based meal for my last meal of the day.  Salads are a great way to do that with added proteins like sliced egg, cheeses, nuts and extra healthy fats, primarily oils.  This has been working remarkably well for me.  Roasted vegetables seasoned and tossed in olive or avocado oil is my other go to.


My birthday dinner - salmon fillet, part of a rib eye steak & sauteed green beans

I eat less meat now and only purchase what is on sale or deeply discounted so I check the weekly store ads regularly and stock up on those bargains.  My largest meal of the day is the one I eat at noon and I will typically have meat and bulk it up with vegetables and again I add in healthy fats with it.  Stir fries, casseroles, soups and stews are a great way to do this.


Meal planning is very helpful for me to use up what I have on hand so nothing goes to waste and I challenge myself to use up what is left in the vegetable bin before I head out to buy more.  I also challenge myself to stretch eat package of meat its fullest potential to see how many meals I can make from it.  I don't eat steak nearly as often as I used to and I've cut down the portion size when I do have it, but I do still have it.  Right now I just look for other less expensive options in order to stay on budget.


Buy & eat more vegetables

It definitely can still be done, in fact I still feel this way of eating is more economical than not, especially right now.  I'm actually able to eat better for less money because of it.  Carbohydrates are expensive too.  Have you seen how much prices of pasta and beans have risen?  Shop those sales, stock up on what you can and eat more vegetables, fresh or frozen.  Cook from scratch and keep things simple.  Stay true and stay healthy.


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