Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Pesto Shrimp

Super simple and super delicious this dish makes a spectacular appetizer, side dish with steak,topping for a salad or all on their own.

I shelled and cleaned raw shrimp.  Then heated avocado oil in a skillet and cooked the shrimp on each side for a few minutes until they were cooked through and turned pink.  I then placed a little bit of pesto on each shrimp and sprinkled fresh grated parmesan on top.

Oh my goodness gracious these are good.  Low carb and keto friendly.  If you enjoy shrimp give this a try, you won't regret it.


  1. I've always enjoyed your other blog, Thrifty Mom in Boise, and have read your keto posts with great interest. Now, I've read your posts here, and I've decided to try the keto diet, too. I had researched keto, but became overwhelmed with all the rules and conflicting opinions, but you have made it sound not only do-able, but appealing. Thank you! Please continue to post recipes and ideas - your meals look so tasty!

    1. Thank you so much Susan. I hope you do give Keto a try, you won't regret it. It has been amazing for me. I do plan to keep up with the recipes and ideas. I'll continue to post as time allows. Stay tuned! :)


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