Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Naked Weigh In Day

Yep, you read that right.  I have a naked weigh in day.  Every Sunday morning right after I tinkle I strip down to the buff and hop on that dreaded scale.  How's that for TMI?  Then I record my weight in my Keto journal so I can track my progress.

While initially I did not start keto for weight loss I'll admit the "side effect" of this lifestyle is very much appreciated.  I had some extra pounds that I didn't need and I'm not all that sorry to see them go away.  The nice thing is that with keto you'll lose what you don't need and once you hit your ideal weight you'll stop.

Once a week is more than enough for weighing myself.  More than that, frankly, would just drive me crazy.  I also check my blood pressure and log that next to my weight.  If you don't have issues with blood pressure you probably wouldn't need to do that.  If I had glucose concerns I'd probably track and log that too, but fortunately I don't.  I also don't track my ketones.  Personally, I don't feel the need.

Why naked?  Well, first thing in the morning, after you use the restroom and before you eat or drink anything is the best time to weigh and of course without your clothes gives you the most accuracy.  If you're not that worried about it, leave your clothes on.

Do you weigh in the buff?


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