Monday, March 18, 2019

The Standard American Diet - S.A.D.

The standard American Diet is more than just S.A.D., as the acronym suggests, but it is literally killing us.  I remember in Health class learning about the four basic food groups and the government sanctioned food pyramid depicting a "healthy diet".  I colored those pictures, I looked at those posters up on the walls and I ate that stuff.  For years and years.

Like most Americans I've battled my weight and as time has gone on I've watched my health steadily decline.  No matter what I did, no matter what I tried to do, nothing seemed to make a difference.  I got worse.  I felt horrible.  I was getting sicker and sicker each day.

It took a nutritionist at a local gym telling me to "park everything I knew about good nutrition" outside her door and "come inside with an open mind" to get me on the right track and I am so incredibly grateful I did.

There is a big difference between a dietician and a nutritionist as far as I can tell.  And in my opinion, most of our doctors haven't got a clue either.  If you ask them how much time they spent in medical school learning about nutrition and a truly proper diet it is a miniscule amount of time compared to the other things they had to learn about.  That in itself is S.A.D.

Modern medicine has lost sight of what is truly important.  The body has an amazing ability to function efficiently and incredibly, it can heal itself, but only when it is properly fueled.  Unfortunately the human body has de-evolved into a fatter, slower, sicker and much less efficient form and sadly the issue is getting worse.  Every day.

Diseases and health issues are running rampant and the pharmaceutical companies and the big "food" corporations are raking in the dough as a result.  I say "food" because if you look at the ingredient lists on most of their products there is hardly any actual food in their product and loads of chemical preservatives and additives.  No one actually knows what is actually in their "food", but we are more than willing to put it in our bodies!  Why do we think that is okay?  And why do we continue to do it?

But all is not lost.  We have an amazing super power!  We can take back our health and improve our lives and it is so simple.  Just fuel your body properly.  Real plants, real animals.  That's it.  That is all we need to not only survive, but thrive.  Plants.  Animals.  Easy!

If you are struggling.  Your health isn't good, you lack energy, don't sleep well at night, you're overweight.  Have diabetes?  Cancer?  High blood pressure?  Whatever it is, take back control of your life.  Improve yourself, make your life better.  Feel better!

Let's do this!

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