Monday, March 25, 2019

Do I Eat Fruit?

The short answer.  Yes.

I'm selective about the fruit I eat and I don't eat a ton of it.  The first six months I was on Keto I primarily kept my fruit consumption to small amounts of strawberries, blackberries and blueberries.  Fortunately for me I am not insulin resistant so eating fruit in small amounts does not seem to adversely affect me.  So, I eat it.

Usually in the late morning I'll have a piece of fruit and it is usually a banana.  I know, I know, a banana?!  I like bananas, they provide me with some much needed potassium and while it may take up the bulk of my daily carb allowance I personally feel it is worth it. For me.   Now, if I was on Keto for weight loss, I'd definitely recommend not eating a banana every day as this could slow your progress.

Most of my fruit consumption is berries, however.  In the past year I've enjoyed a couple fresh nectarines, a peach, oranges, some pineapple, grapes and just recently some apple slices with peanut butter.  Fresh or frozen fruit is my preference over canned as they usually pack canned fruit in some type of sugary syrup.  Dried fruits I steer clear of too as that is just too much sweet for me.

Avocados are a great fat and fiber source not to mention all the wonderful nutrients they provide.  Blueberries are loaded with antioxidants.  Strawberries are loaded with vitamin C.  So I think it is important, if you like fruit, to include it as part of your diet.  Enjoy your food and more importantly enjoy what it can do for your body.


  1. 10 days in to Keto and I had my first fruit today...raspberries..and they were so delicious..


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